Homeschool Share Lapbooks

by Lynn
(Great Falls, MT )

Product: Several lapbooks
Subject: Math, Literature, Science, Geography, History
Levels Used: multi level
Dates Used: May 2008- Current

Likes: I love to use Homeschool Share lapbooks. They are easy to use, easy to put together with minimum prep time. Just printing it out.

My children love to make the lapbooks and show them off to family and friends. They've learned more doing lapbooking than they have with any other form of curriculum.

There are a large variety of lapbooks to choose from and they are categorized by age range and topic which makes it really easy to find what you are looking for. I have devoted most of my school year using Homeschool Share lapbooks. I love Homeschool Share so much that I wanted to give back so I contributed four lapbooks to them which I have done.

The people there are friendly and willing to help out as you journey through homeschooling! I am very pleased with this and will continue to use and contribute in the future!

Dislikes: I don't have any!!

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