Switched on Schoolhouse History

by Heather

Product:AlphaOmega Switched on Schoolhouse
Levels Used: 5th grade
Dates Used: fall 2007-spring 2008

Likes:I liked the interaction with the computer. It really was exciting to my girls to do their school work onthe computer. There was a lot of information covered in a school year. Great for basics.

Dislikes: The questions were tricky. Even after reading through the material I could not come up with the "exact" wording that the program was looking for or could not come up with the answer at all. It seems that the curriculum was looking for very thorough understanding of the subject.

It was frustrating for my girls when they would finish the questions and would get a lower than average grade when they knew some of the answers were right. I would go over their answers and see that the program counted an answer wrong for leaving off an "s" or accidental misspelling.

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