Teaching Textbooks

by Angela

Product:Teaching Textbooks
Levels Used:4th, 5th
Dates Used: Aug 2009- present

Likes: We LOVE TT!! My daughter was struggling with math (BJU) since they were constantly going to something new and not making what she was learning concrete. I researched Teaching Textbooks and decided it was worth a try.

It was worth every penny (maybe more!!) My daughter loves math now. She is going to start 6th grade next year. My 3rd grader did 4th grade this year since she placed a year ahead in math. My son will use grade 3 this coming year too.

It gives the children a lecture with visuals so they can understand it. It asks them questions and for input. If they don't get it right they explain why. Then they have 5 practice questions that don't count wrong if they miss them. Then they have 22 problems to work through. If they really don't do well on a lesson they can redo it. I just have to go in under parent and delete it and they can try again to understand the concepts. Even as they introduce new things they review what they have previously learned.

For our family the book is really not used. My kids like to work the problems on scratch paper instead.

Dislikes: I have no dislikes for this curriculum. My kids love to do math!

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