Visual Latin

by Pat Fenner

Product: Visual Latin
Subject: Latin
Levels Used: Lessons 1-12
Dates Used: 2012

Likes: Who says Latin has to be boring? Part of the charm of this course is the teacher himself! "Mr Dwayne" (as my kids call him) is real, down-to-earth, makes mistakes (and corrects him) and funny. We ALL enjoy watching the videos, and from lesson 1, we are all listening, understanding, and practicing practical vocabulary throughout the day. He throws in little tidbits about both Latin and English to explain and tie the 2 together in our minds. My 2 oldest are in middle school, and right now I plan to finish the course and use it to meet their high-school Foreign Language requirement. There are lots of free resources on their website, one of which is a PDF that correlates Visual Latin to the textbook for Henle Latin, which is a high-school level course that will "ramp up" our studies during those years.

Dislikes: I'd love to see more practice sheets, but really, other than kids would like to see more Mr Dwayne!

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