by Katie S
(Athens, Ga, USA)
Product: VocabularySpellingCity (
Subject: Spelling, Vocabulary, Handwriting
Levels Used: Grades K-8 so far (there are Pre-K thru high school level word lists available)
Dates Used: 2010 - present
Likes: So many things...will list below
Dislikes: None yet
We have been homeschooling since 2005. We found our groove a couple of years into our journey, and we pretty much made no changes. We found an online curriculum that fit our needs (we hate workbooks and textbooks) and my boys, now ages 7 and 12, were happy with how things were going.
Except for spelling. While they did most everything else on the computer, for spelling they had weekly written word lists. They got the words on Monday, they practiced writing them and spelling them throughout the week, then they tested on Fridays. It was so dull and boring. I knew that, but didn't know how to change that fact.
Then I was introduced to VSC. What a difference that made! We started out on the free account. There were so many word lists that the boys could was almost overwhelming! We used it and enjoyed it for a while, but we quickly upgraded to the premium membership so I could assign them certain lists and activities, and I could keep up with their grades/scores easier.
There's a TeachMe feature that will speak and spell each word in the spelling list. There are some great games that they can play to practice their words. And they can even take the spelling test online. While there are all these things for spelling, there are also these things for vocabulary work. The TeachMe feature can use the words in a sentence so the boys understand how to say the word correctly, but also so they know the correct meaning (this is really good for multiple meaning words). You can even create your own sentence for the word, if you wanted.
While there are a TON of word lists on the site, the majority of which have been shared by other members, I can create my own word lists too. If I want them to have a specific set of words from books they are reading, or about a holiday or special occasion we are celebrating, it's so easy to create and save those lists.
One last thing - I've mentioned that it's a great site for spelling and vocabulary, but it also covers my needs for handwriting as well! I can make printable worksheets from some activities (word searches and crosswords are popular here), and I can create handwriting practice sheets from their spelling/vocabulary word lists.
I know this sounds like a ridiculously glowing review, but it's honest, lol. I can nit pick and find little things I wish I could change about some of our other homeschool resources; even in the program for our core curriculum. But VSC does everything I need it to do, and so much more. You can sign up and use the site successfully for free. If you wanted access to more features and more activities, the premium membership only costs $29.99 a year, for up to 5 children. At that price point, I can't think of a better resource for homeschoolers. :)
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