A Great Start to Math

by Laurie

Product: Right Start Math
Subject: math
Levels Used: level B
Dates Used:2007-2008

Likes: This is an excellent math program which emphasizes understanding math concepts over rote memorization.

Using a specially designed abacus, children quickly master addition, place value, quantity and other mathematical concepts. Many games are used to reinforce math concepts. It is multisensory, employing visual, auditory and kinesthetic modes of learning. Students enjoy the variety of teaching strategies learned.

Since I also have toddlers, I especially like the fact that the abacus is self contained, rather than having many small units that can be easily misplaced (or swallowed!) The teachers manual is well organized, with clear teaching instructions and an extensive appendix with game instructions and additional materials.

There is very little written work required at this level. My children look forward to math time each day; I highly recommend this program.

Parents who think of math as 30 problems on a worksheet may have difficulty adapting to this nearly paperless method, until they discover how effectively this program teaches an understanding of foundational math concepts.

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