Apologia General Science

by Teresa
(Knoxville, TN)

Product: Apologia General Science
Subject: General Science
Levels Used: Used 9th grade while in 8th grade
Dates Used: 2007/2008

Likes: This book is written as if the Professor is in the room with you. He asks questions in the text that would be asked by 'live' students and then answers thoroughly. He is able to explain in common language without insulting the advanced student.

The experiments are easily reproducible at home with household items, as well as being fun to do. The study guides are thorough and allow the parent to relearn quickly when reviewing the child's work.

The tests are excellent at measuring what the child has learned and reassuring the parent that the subject has been well covered.

Dislikes: I have no real dislikes since I went into this curriculum knowing that I did not agree with all of Dr. Wile's religious beliefs.

However, I have to hand it to him. He covered both sides of every issue, and it provided very thought-provoking discussions between parent and child and allowed her to decide which she believed without shutting any doors completely.

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