Horizons Math Grade 1

by Terri

Product: Horizons Math Grade 1
Subject: Math
Levels Used: Grade 1 Book 1
Dates Used: August 2009-present

Likes: My son seems to be doing really well with Horizons Math. He likes to do his work and he is learning so much. The spiral approach to learning and the use of manipulatives seems to fit his ADHD personality very well. The teacher's guide is amazing! It allows me to plan my lessons thoroughly and ahead of time with ease.

Dislikes: There's not much to dislike about Horizon's. Maybe the only suggestion I would have, would be to try and incorporate a smaller version of the worksheet that the child is working on into the teacher's guide. That way, we can see the worksheet right in front of us while reading the Objectives, teaching tips and activities.

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