Sequential Spelling

by Jessica

Product:Sequential Spelling
Levels Used: 2/3 grade
Dates Used:2007-2008

Likes: I like the concept behind Sequential Spelling. You work on words that belong to the same family. You don't have to give your child an "x" because they got something wrong; they rewrite all the words that they have misspelled immediately.

Dislikes: This program takes a big commitment. You need to give a spelling "test" everyday and it took us about 30 minutes to complete the lesson. I felt like this was just too much for us. By the end of the year, I greatly modified the program so that it wouldn't take us much time. I went back at the end of the year and orally tested my daughter on her retention and it was about 85%.

At this moment, I am not using this program but plan on picking it back up sometime soon, although I believe that we will continue to alter it to suit our needs.

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